3 Advantages of Korean Wallpaper vs European Wallpaper

1. Popularity & Variety

Korean wallpaper in Singapore has gained tremendous popularity due to the ability to prove and provide new designs, innovations and technology applied to the wallpaper. Korean wallpaper has secured a sizable overseas buyers especially in Singapore facilitated a noticeable rise in the global proliferation of the genre like K-pop. Combination of good design, understand the latest trend and you can buy Korean wallpaper in Singapore easily, there is no doubt the market share for Korean wallpaper has overtaken European wallpaper. Leading wallpaper supplier in Singapore carries thousands of Korean wallpaper designs as compared to only hundreds of European wallpaper designs. Many popular wallpaper collections like LOHAS, STONEAGE, AVENUE, D&D, STAY, etc. dominated and overshadowed collections from Europe. Korean wallpaper manufacturers usually replace new collections every 6-12 months period allowing you to buy wallpaper of the latest trend and modern designs.

2. Value for Money

Cheap wallpaper can be misled by irresponsible wallpaper shop in Singapore without explaining the roll size to the buyer. Below is a good guide for popular fair market value when you want to buy wallpaper in Singapore.

  • Korean Wallpaper S$270-500 per roll (15.6m x 1.06m) including installation
  • European or Chinese Wallpaper S$150-250 per roll (10m x 0.53m) including installation

As you can see from the above comparison, European wallpaper seems cheaper but the size for each roll is 3 times lesser than Korean wallpaper. Hence Korean wallpaper is about 30% cheaper than most European or Chinese wallpaper including installation service. Importing wallpaper from Korean is also faster and cheaper for wallpaper shop in Singapore that further reduces the cost as compared to importing European wallpaper. Lower shipment cost contributed greatly to the cheap wallpaper as a package. It also allow covering the entire home with Korean wallpaper more economically viable than painting your wall in every 3-5 years as most wallpaper in Singapore climate can last up to 10 years.

Korean Wallpaper Singapore

3. Easier to Install & Less Unsightly Joints

Wallpaper hangers prefer to install Korean wallpaper as it is wider (1.06m) that requires less joining and matching repeated patterns to complete covering a wall. The end result will produce lesser unsightly joint or seam openings when connecting many panels of European wallpaper (0.53m wide) pasted on the wall. A broader width provided by Korean wallpaper allows patterns to be printed more randomly. When joined together vertically, most people do not notice the patterns are repeated as compared to the narrower European wallpaper. This thoughtful dimension adopted by most Korean wallpaper manufacturers has created a unique advantage over most European wallpaper. Some people prefer European wallpaper based on branding, design or luxury quality. Korean wallpaper has proven itself in many ways replicating these attributes similar to many notable brands from Korea such as LG, Samsung, etc...

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